Strapped to a bondage chair and brainwashed to moo! Kit wakes up confused – why is she strapped to this chair? Are the words in her ear talking about her ‘udders’? How long has she been like this? Why is …
Hucow conversion

Real hypnosis, real kink, real people
Strapped to a bondage chair and brainwashed to moo! Kit wakes up confused – why is she strapped to this chair? Are the words in her ear talking about her ‘udders’? How long has she been like this? Why is …
Kit’s face turned into an intensely arousing erogenous zone It’s no secret that Trix’s touch has quite the effect on Kit. The lightest brush of Trix’s fingers has the vulnerable girl’s eyes fluttering even before they’ve started… so it’s only …
Punky rebel to dumb bimbo doll transformation Kit’s willing to please her hot date by indulging her weird kink for this straitjacket thing, just for a minute. Trix just wants to see her in it then she’ll take it off, …
Tranced toy’s nipples and mouth drive her desperate Lisa Kitto is deliciously, delightfully susceptible to hypnosis. Something she’s aware of, so she starts the shoot rather nervous. Certain that Sinister is going to mess with her mind… and yet along …
Tranced pleasure puppets tranced and controlled When there’s a beautiful woman sitting next to you, it’s easy to find your mind drifting to the kinds of things you’d like to do to them, or have them do to you. But …
Lisa Kitto becomes a mindfucked pleasure toy for two ’tists Two hypnotists, with all of their attention focused on toying with your body and mind. Sounds intense, doesn’t it? Kit is certainly finding it quite intense… she squirms and blushes, …
Kit fighting to keep control as her resistance is overwhelmed Kit is resisting. Or at least, she’s trying to. Meant to. But so quickly she finds herself struggling to resist the combined words of Imaginatrix and Sinister. So quickly her …